Calculation of weight of 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 24mm, 30mm diameter reinforced steel bar

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By Shravan


How to calculate the weight of the steel bar used in building design? Weight of 8mm diameter bar, 10mm diameter bar, 12mm diameter bar, 16mm diameter bar, 20mm diameter bar, 24mm diameter bar, 30mm diameter bar

The weight of the steel bar is measured in kilograms or tones or newton in general before the construction of the project. In some areas the steel bars are supplied in the form of lengths and in the same process the steel bars are supplied in kilograms. In this article you are able to learn about how to calculate the weight of the reinforced steel bar used in the construction industry in the structural elements like in beams, columns, slabs etc.

Factors effecting on the weight of the steel bars

Mainly the weight of the steel bar is depends upon the following two important factors

  1. Diameter of the bar
  2. Length of the bar

Diameter of the bar (D)

In the market (Steel supply shops) generally the steel bars are available with minimum diameter of 6mm. Depending upon the requirements in the surrounding areas the steel bars are available in the market as 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 24mm, 30mm,32mm etc. If the construction project is heavy structure we have to use the higher diameter of the reinforced bar like for the high rise buildings and irrigation projects etc. In the same process if the construction project is small we have to use the small diameter bars.

weight of steel
   16mm dia bars

The weight of the bar is directly proportional to square of the diameter of the bar in general. If the diameter of the reinforced bar increases then the weight of the bar is also increases, in the same process if the diameter of the reinforced bar decreases then the weight of the bar is decreases.

Length of the bar (L)

In general the length of the reinforced bar is available with 40 feet in the market which is approximately equal to 12 meter. The length is fixed to 12m because to avoid the difficulty in transportation. The weight of the reinforced bar is directly proportional to length. If the length of the reinforced bar increases then the weight of the bar increases, in the same process if the length of the reinforced bar decreases then the weight is also decreases.

steel weight
  40 feet length bars

Formulae used to calculate the weight of the steel reinforced bar

In general the below specified equation is used to calculate the weight of the reinforced bar from the diameter (D) and length (L)

Weight = (D2/162)XL

Where     D = Diameter of the reinforced steel bar

L= Length of the reinforced bar

weight of 8mm diameter reinforced bar

The below calculation shows the weight of the 8mm diameter bar in kilograms

By considering Length L= 12m, Diameter D= 8mm

Weight                                    = (D2/162)XL

                                                = (82/162)X12

= 4.74 kilograms

The weight of 8mm diameter bar is approximately 4.74 kilograms

weight of 10mm diameter reinforced bar

The below calculation shows the weight of the 10mm diameter bar in kilograms

By considering Length L= 12m, Diameter D= 10mm

Weight                                    = (D2/162)XL

                                                = (102/162)X12

= 7.40 kilograms

The weight of 10mm diameter bar is approximately 4.74 kilograms

12mm diameter reinforced bar

The below calculation shows the weight of the 12mm diameter bar in kilograms

By considering Length L= 12m, Diameter D= 12mm

Weight                                    = (D2/162)XL

                                                = (122/162)X12

= 10.67 kilograms

The weight of 12mm diameter bar is approximately 10.67 kilograms

16mm diameter reinforced bar

The below calculation shows the weight of the 16mm diameter bar in kilograms

By considering Length L= 12m, Diameter D= 16mm

Weight                                    = (D2/162)XL

                                                = (162/162)X12

= 18.96 kilograms

The weight of 16mm diameter bar is approximately 18.96 kilograms

20mm diameter reinforced bar

The below calculation shows the weight of the 20mm diameter bar in kilograms

By considering Length L= 12m, Diameter D= 20mm

Weight                                    = (D2/162)XL

                                                = (202/162)X12

= 29.63 kilograms

The weight of 20mm diameter bar is approximately 29.63 kilograms

24mm diameter reinforced bar

The below calculation shows the weight of the 24 mm diameter bar in kilograms

By considering Length L= 12m, Diameter D= 24mm

Weight                                    = (D2/162)XL

                                                = (242/162)X12

= 42.67 kilograms

The weight of 24mm diameter bar is approximately 42.67 kilograms.

30mm diameter reinforced bar

The below calculation shows the weight of the 30 mm diameter bar in kilograms

By considering Length L= 12m, Diameter D= 30mm

Weight                                    = (302/162)XL

                                                = (302/162)X12

= 42.67 kilograms

The weight of 30 mm diameter bar is approximately 66.67 kilograms.

36mm diameter reinforced bar

The below calculation shows the weight of the 36 mm diameter bar in kilograms

By considering Length L= 12m, Diameter D= 36mm

Weight                                    = (362/162)XL

                                                = (362/162)X12

= 96 kilograms

The weight of 30 mm diameter bar is approximately 66.67 kilograms.

Summary of the weight of the weight of the steel

The below specified table shows the complete summary of the reinforced bar used in the building construction

S. No

Diameter of the steel bar Weight of the steel bar in kilograms






















8 36mm



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Conclusions of calculation of the Steel weight in building design? Weight of 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 16mm, 20mm, 24mm diameter bar, 30mm diameter bar

Well now the above explained concepts are related to the complete step by step calculation of the weight of the steel bar used in the construction industry whether it is small scale project or medium scale project of high scale project.

The weight of the reinforced steel bar is depends upon the diameter as well as the length values. If the length is increases then the weight of the steel bar increases, in the same process if the diameter is increases then the weight values also increases.

For 8mm diameter steel bar the weight is 4.74 kilograms

10mm diameter steel bar the weight is 7.40 kilograms

12mm diameter steel bar the weight is 10.67 kilograms

16mm diameter steel bar the weight is 18.96 kilograms

20mm diameter steel bar the weight is 29.63 kilograms

24mm diameter steel bar the weight is 42.67 kilograms

30mm diameter steel bar the weight is 66.67 kilograms

36mm diameter steel bar the weight is 96 kilograms

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Thank You for reading this article,

Your Shravan,

Have a good day.